This Friday is World Environment Day and while you may think that there’s not much you can do about global warming and mounting rubble, the reality is that every little bit helps! We can all do something to minimize unnecessary waste by recycling and learning to be satisfied with less.
• Use water sparingly – it’s precious!
• Don’t waste electricity (don’t we know that one!)
• Recycle: Put glass, plastic, tins and paper into separate bags in the refuse bin – this helps those trying to make a living by recycling our rubbish easier and safer!
• Kitchen peels make good compost – plastic composters are clean, safe and convenient – they’re available at hardware or garden outlets
• It’s healthier to walk if you haven’t got far to go
• Plan your driving routes and use less petrol
• Install solar panels if you have the budget
• Teach your children not to waste or litter
• Minimize unnecessary printing and use paper sparingly
• Plant something indigenous
• Clean up your neighbourhood parks
• Fix instead of throwing out and buying new
• Store in glass rather than disposable plastic or polystyrene
• Re-use plastic and shopping bags
• Grow your own vegetables and minimize tinned food
If Boris Johnson, the mayor of London, can set the example by cycling to work to do his bit for the environment, so can we!
Share your ideas on my face book page!