Tuesday, 11 October 2016

The sweetest thing

Are we consuming more than we need? Marketing ploys that make cereal look WOW, turns out to be the same-old, same-old it’s always been since you were a child when you pour it from that misleading box – that gets chucked anyway!

But what really saddens me is that cheap food that’s affordable for many families, is mostly empty calories that fills empty bellies but doesn’t feed hungry brains! Sugar-loaded sodas are cheaper than milk! Affluent children are living on chips, cookies and chocolate – after turning their noses up to a plate of proper food. Is it easier to ‘give-in’ to the demands of children, the lure of the supermarkets, and the limit of our patience (and budget)? How do we go back to good old-fashioned ‘eating to live’ and not ‘living to eat’ (rubbish)?

I find it a daily challenge!

Too much sugar:

 Fills children up with empty calories
• Makes them hyperactive
 Is addictive
 Damages their teeth
 Leads to obesity
 Deprives them of essential minerals that help to boost immunity.

What can you do?

 Teach your child to drink water
 Don’t use sweet-treats as a reward – use hugs, reading, outings to the park, pencils, crayons and paper instead
 Give your children healthy snacks between meals – fruit, fruit-juice lollies, toast and peanut-butter fingers
 Use less sugar in recipe’s and never add sugar to vegetables, sauces or protein dishes
 Sweeten with honey or molasses
 Eat regular unhurried family meals
 Plan these a week in advance
 Make sure they include fresh fruit and vegetables every day
 Don’t shop when you’re hungry
 Stick to what’s on the shopping list
 Don’t take grouchy children with you – especially if you’re doing a monthly shop!
 Avoid fast-foods and takeaway’s
 Spend more time in the garden or the park. Have fun. Exercise!

PS. This takes time and effort, practice, patience and persistence.  But remember – you and your family are worth it!