Tuesday, 17 August 2021

An ode to a daughter

 Hannah’s baby girl is here!

Very slightly early, Hannah’s baby girl was born at 3am on Monday morning, 16th August – her c-section was booked for Tuesday 17th August. I don’t have the details yet, but here is a passage I would like to share with her, and all new mothers out there – especially if you have given birth to a baby girl.

Mom and baby are well and healthy.

This is an extract from “A Daughter for a fortnight” by Mrs. Robert Henry.

“There is a belief that every woman first longs for a son, but a son, by the very nature of things is lost to her after the tenderness of his early years. A woman who has no daughter of her own misses most the intellectual companionship she can only obtain from an adolescent version of herself. Our intelligence differs from that of men. It is sometimes deeper and invariably more subtle. There is great satisfaction in having continually at one’s side a daughter with whom one can share interests and problems peculiar to one’s sex. For that reason, a daughter must be the most precious of joys.

“It is true that a mother soon loses her daughter by marriage, though her daughter’s marriage will be the very thing she will strive for most.”

Photograph: Aloise Ireland